For adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) trying to land a job, one-on-one interview training is a better way to prepare than group sessions, which may work for others, a Rutgers study found. “One of the first steps to obtaining employment is succeeding in a job interview, but for people with ASD, social communication deficits can make this experience difficult,” said SungWoo Kahng, a Rutgers professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and lead author of the study published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

“To compensate, we looked at the use of behavioral skills training delivered to individuals via remote instruction as a way to teach interview skills to adults with ASD,” Kahng said. Every year, nearly 112,000 teens with autism enter adulthood, a milestone autism specialists call the service cliff. After years of educational, therapeutic and skills-related support, students leave school and enter adulthood essentially on their own.  To read the full story.