While New Jerseyans as a whole rate the quality of life in their local area positively and feel safe where they live, perceptions vary widely based on who you ask and where they are located, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. According to the December poll, 7 in 10 residents say their town or city is an “excellent” (25 percent) or “good” (44 percent) place to live, while an even greater number say the same about their neighborhood (34 percent “excellent,” 43 percent “good”). Residents also feel safe in their neighborhood at night (49 percent “very,” 39 percent “somewhat”) and especially during the day (71 percent “very,” 25 percent “somewhat”).

But it’s a different story for some groups, who – while still positive about their community – are much less likely than their counterparts to feel favorably about where they reside. Black residents and Hispanic residents are about 20 points less likely than white residents to rate their towns or cities (52 percent and 58 percent, respectively, versus 74 percent) or their neighborhoods (63 percent and 64 percent, respectively, versus 83 percent) as “excellent” or “good.” To read the full story.