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Deep6 AI is an artificial intelligence software available to Rutgers University researchers to assist in clinical trial feasibility assessment and patient identification. The software allows the Clinical Trials Office to help you save time leveraging EMR data for clinical research. It uses artificial intelligence to mine the entire EMR system (including structured and unstructured data from physician notes, lab reports, radiology reports, pathology reports and other clinical data) to precisely identify patients that match clinical trial inclusion and exclusion criteria.


Request a Feasibility Assessment (prior to IRB submission)

The RBHS Clinical Trials Office can conduct feasibility inquiries (for example, in support of a grant application or to determine whether there is a sufficient patient population for a clinical trial under consideration.) This feasibility assessment will provide your study team with an estimated count of patients based on your inclusion and exclusion criteria. At this time, there is no cost to request this type of report.

To request a feasibility assessment, complete this form.

Questions? Contact

Identify Potential Study Participants (with IRB approval)

Following IRB approval, the RBHS Clinical Trials Office can use Deep6 AI Cohort Builder to query the relevant electronic medical record system (s) to generate a list of participants who appear to meet study eligibility criteria. Identifiable information will only be provided to the study team members listed on the Rutgers eIRB application.

There is a cost for this service that is commonly charged to an industry sponsor as part of the budget. For questions or the current fee schedule, please contact

To request this service, complete this form.

There is currently no cost to request a generic feasibility assessment, which will provide the study team with an estimated patient population for the provided inclusion & exclusion criteria.

For identifiable information and access to potential participants, there is a fee which is commonly charged to an industry sponsor as part of the budget. For questions or the current fee schedule, please contact