Three-quarters of New Jerseyans say they are either “somewhat” or “very” worried about the cost of health care services and unexpected medical bills, while more than 6 in 10 are “somewhat” or “very” worried about their monthly health insurance premium and prescription drug costs. These results come from the latest poll in the New Jersey Health Matters series by the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute in partnership with the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.

Forty-five percent are “very” and another 30 percent “somewhat” worried about unexpected medical bills; 16 percent are “not too” worried, while 7 percent are “not worried at all.” Similar numbers feel worried about the cost of health care services: 44 percent “very,” 31 percent “somewhat,” 15 percent “not too worried,” and 8 percent “not at all. Thirty-six percent are “very” and 29 percent are “somewhat” worried about their monthly health insurance premium; 19 percent are “not too worried,” and 13 percent are “not worried at all.” Likewise, 33 percent are “very” and 28 percent are “somewhat” worried about their prescription drug costs, while 24 percent are “not too worried,” and 13 percent are “not worried at all.” To read the full story.