If you’re aware you’ve been exposed to someone with a case of COVID-19, you probably have questions about what to do next. First, because the novel coronavirus has an incubation of two to 14 days—you’ll need to quarantine for two weeks, whether or not you feel sick in...
Support staff and Black and Latinx hospital employees with and without patient care responsibilities are at highest risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in health care settings, a Rutgers study found. After screening 3,904 employees and clinicians at a New Jersey hospital...
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School will be a clinical test site for a study assessing the long term risk of chronic kidney disease in patients who recover from COVID-19. The Multi-Center Assessment of Survivors for Kidney Disease after COVID-19 (MASKeD-COVID) study –...
Randi Sigafoos did not want to leave her kids home alone, but she didn’t know what else to do. “It’s been very challenging. I had to come back to work, so I kind of don’t have a choice. And my husband works, so it’s been hard,” said Sigafoos, 50, who...
The 2020 presidential election is one of the most anticipated in recent history with COVID-19, racial justice and the economy at the forefront and registered voters making their voices heard either with mail-in ballots or by standing in line to cast their ballot at...