IX Plan for IRB Review

Does your study qualify as human subject research? Use the algorithm for Non-Human Determination, HSP-310- Worksheet (in the HSPP Toolkit under Worksheets) to find out.

You can also use this quick and easy-to-use Human Subjects Determination Tool to determine whether your study requires IRB review.

All protocols are submitted in eIRB – find out How to Submit

Human subject research will receive either a Convened Board or administrative (Exempt or Expedited) review depending on the type of research proposed.

Exempt studies, in general, utilize surveys, observational, or deidentified data and must fall within the 6 categories that are exempt from the other provisions of the regulations. Exempt submissions are reviewed when they are received in eIRB.

Expedited review means that the review can be completed by a qualified IRB reviewer and that it satisfies two main criteria: the study must be minimal risk and falls into one of the 9 categories established by the regulations. Submissions are reviewed when received in eIRB.

Full Convened Board review must be used for the initial review of all studies that are not eligible for expedited review or exemption, and research involving prisoners. Submission deadlines and IRB meeting dates.

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