Rule of Love: Love-Based Governance for Global Health

Rule of Love: Love-Based Governance for Global Health - Co-sponsored by the Fung Global Fellows program and the University Center for Human Values Speaker: Thana de Campos, Fung Global Fellow […]

Minority Mistrust of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Minority Mistrust of the COVID-19 Vaccine – “Unwrapping the Uncertainty and Mistrust Within Minority Communities Towards the COVID-19 Vaccine” An interactive panel discussion. Panelists: Ms. Mariam Merced, M.A. Dr. Denise […]

Child Health Institute Postdoc Candidate Seminar

Child Health Institute Postdoc Candidate Seminar - “The Role of Asialo GM1-positive Liver-resident CDB T Cells in Chronic Liver Infection and Acute Liver Failure.” Speaker: Chi-Chang (Chris) Sung Postdoc, PhD […]

CABM Seminar Series

CABM Seminar Series – Hosted by the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine: Nevan Krogan, PhD and Jacqueline Fabius – “A SARS-CoV-2 Protein Interaction Map Reveals Targets for Drug Repurposing” […]

Virtual In-House Speaker Seminar

Virtual In-House Speaker Seminar - Hosted by the NJMS Department of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics: Emanuel Goldman, PhD - “SARS Wars: the aerosols versus the fomites” Meeting ID: 941 […]

CINJ Grand Rounds

CINJ Grand Rounds – Fueling T cells in Cancer and Inflammation. Speaker: Jeffrey C. Rathmell, PhD. Join via zoom.

CINJ Webinar

CINJ Webinar - RNAscope Technology for Investigation of the Tumor Microenvironment in Intact Tissues at the Single-Cell Level. This webinar will showcase how RNAscope ISH can further your research to: […]