RBHS Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion Event

RBHS Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion Event-Racial Literacy Tools for Health Care Providers, Brenda Pereda, University of Mexico School of Medicine. Register Here. View Flyer.

CINJ Grand Round Lecture Seminar Series

CINJ Grand Round Lecture Seminar Series-Ethical Tradeoffs between Different Populations’ Health Interests—The Case of Smokers vs. Vapers, Nir Eyal, Rutgers. Register Here!

Pediatric Grand Rounds

Pediatric Grand Rounds-Current State of Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Daniel A. Rauch, MD. Join via Webex. Contact Maricel Quinones.

NJIT Cyberpsychology Seminar Series

NJIT Cyberpsychology Seminar Series-Virtually Immersive Reality for the Study of Racial Bias, John Tawa, Mount Holyoke College. Read More and Register Here.  

School of Social Work Online Workshop

School of Social Work Online Workshop-As part of the Enhancing Victim Services Project funded through the NJ Attorney General’s office, ​the Center on Violence Against Women and Children at Rutgers University’s School of Social Work presents an online workshop with guest speaker Wagatwe Wanjuki, award-winning anti-rape activist. Register Here!