Child Health Institute of New Jersey Special Seminar
Child Health Institute of New Jersey Special Seminar-Tissue-Resident Natural Killer Cells, Dorothy Sojka, Washing University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Join via Webex.
Child Health Institute of New Jersey Special Seminar-Tissue-Resident Natural Killer Cells, Dorothy Sojka, Washing University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Join via Webex.
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology Fermentation Webinar-What simple models tell us about the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 and the measures implemented and proposed to control the COVID-19 pandemic and mitigate its effects on Human health, Bruce Levin, Emory University. Join via Zoom
RWJMS Pediatric Grand Rounds-TBA, Residents and Fellows, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Clinical Academic Building, Room 1302, 125 Paterson Street, New Brunswick.
Well being in the Era: Finding A Path Forward Stuart Slavin, MD, MEd, Senior Scholar for Well-Being Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Chantal Brazeau, MD, Chief Wellness Officer, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Assistant Dean for Faculty Vitality NJMS, RWJMS. Link here to register. Connect to the meeting via WebEx.
Child Health Institute Weekly COVID-19 Discussion Group-Trying to make sense of pathological observations and genes expression changes in Covid-19 infected patient's lungs, Beatrice Haiovich, Rutgers. Join via Webex.
School of Nursing Continuing Education-Basic Health Assessment Course is a three-day intensive course (6/6, 6/13/ and 6/20) designed to enhance the health/physical assessment skills of nurses who function in hospitals, long-term care facilities, schools, community health, and industrial settings. Stanley S. Bergen Building, 65 Bergen Street, Newark. To register.
Child Health Institute Weekly COVID-19 Discussion Group-Open discussion. Join via Webex.
Princeton Innovation Center BioLabs Webinar-SARS-CoV-2 Precautions, Testing and Therapeutics, including anti-viral medicines and vaccines, Fox Intellectual Property attorneys Gerard P. Norton, PhD, Jianming Jimmy Hao, PhD, and Nancy Halpern, DVM, and patent agent Joe Chen, PhD. Register Here.
School of Nursing Continuing Education- The 4th Annual Global Trauma Nursing Workshop for Trauma Nurse Education, Training and Workforce. This is a five-day (June 15th through June 19th) educational program developed to target nursing professionals, physicians and hospital administrators that care for trauma patients. Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, 120 Albany Street, Tower 2, […]
NJ ACTS PARTNERSHIP & INNOVATION PILOT PROGRAM YEAR 2 (Release Date)-The purpose of the Partnership and Innovation Accelerator Pilot (PIAP) Program is to facilitate collaborations between academic researchers (Rutgers University, Princeton University, and/or New Jersey Institute of Technology) and community organizations so they can work together on health research that benefits the community. View RFA.
School of Nursing Continuing Education-ECG Course designed for registered professional nurses and other healthcare professionals who work in settings that require cardiac telemetry. Stanley S. Bergen Building, Room 1023, 65 Bergen Street, Newark. Register here.
Rutgers School of Graduate Studies Virtual Information Session-Biomedical Research scholars track of our Masters program. Learn about types of Master's degrees: MS (thesis) and MBS (non-thesis), curriculum, research and non-research opportunities, and requirements to apply. Register here.
NJ ACTS TL1 Fellowship Application Program-This program equips its Fellows with enhanced knowledge, skills, and abilities that provide a broad introduction to clinical and translational research concurrent with their current pre- or postdoctoral research program. Letters of Intent are due June 19, 2020, applications are due July 3, 2020 by 5PM. Read more.