Information For Investigators
The Community Engagement Core plays a pivotal role in fostering collaborative academic-community research partnerships and enhancing public knowledge of and trust in clinical and translational research.
Consultation Services
We offer a variety of project-specific consultations services to enhance research design, implementation, and dissemination. Request a consultation to learn more.
Community Partners
Community partners help translate research into practice and improved health outcomes. We recognize the importance of incorporating community insight and collaboration and are committed to strengthening the working relationship between researchers and community stakeholders. The Community Engagement Core can connect you to experts in our Network of Networks and resources you need, often with an introductory email or telephone call. We can even help foster and facilitate the development of long-term partnerships. Request a referral to get connected.
Research with New Jersey
Are you interested in partnering or collaborating with a researcher in New Jersey, but you don’t know where to start? Using the Research with New Jersey Portal you can search our expansive research network by field of interest, expertise, or even for individual researcher’s profiles to identify new potential collaborators throughout our great state.
Community Engagement Studios
Our core can help researchers obtain project-specific input from research, community and patient stakeholders to enhance research design, implementation, and dissemination. Our Community Engagement Studios provide a structured approach to engaging members of the community for their meaningful guidance and input on specific research ideas or studies.

If your research has benefited from one or more of NJ ACTS resources, please remember to:
- Cite our CTSA grant, UL1TR003017, KL2TR003018 or TL1TR003019 in any relevant publications, abstracts, chapters, and/or posters.
- Submit your publications to PubMed Central (PMC) for compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy.
- Share our research updates with us by sending an email to: