NIH Fellowship Grant – Scientist Highlights
Bala Madduri
PhD – Postdoctoral Fellow
Investigating the role of secreted effector proteins PE5 and PPE4 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis
Francesca LoFaro
BS – Neuroscience PhD Candidate
Elucidating How Menstrual Cycle Phase Influences Neurocognitive Processes Underlying Risk-Taking in Women with Opioid Use Disorder
Sean Stratton
PhD Student
Creating Pb Risk Mitigation Using Source Apportionment in an EJ Community
Scientist Highlight coming soon!
Zakiyah Henry
PhD Student
The Tissue-Specific Functionality of the Farnesoid X Receptor in NASH Development
Scientist Highlight coming soon!
Kaiden Power
PhD Student
Role of a NIMA-related Kinase in Neuronal Microtubule Stability and Transport
Carolyn Kinkade
PhD Student
Exposure to Zearalenone and its Impact on Maternal and Fetal Health
Danielle Kozlosky
PhD Student
Impact of the Placenta Barrier on Fetal Nutrition and Growth Restriction
Nimit Shah
PhD Student
Barriers and Predictors of Physical Fitness among Volunteer Firefighters