CINJ Trainee Seminar Series

CINJ Trainee Seminar Series-KMT2C Deficiency Promotes APOBEC Mutagenesis and Genomic Instability in Multiple Cancers, Xiaoju Hu, Rutgers. Register Here!

Rutgers Project ECHO Substance Exposed Infants (SEI)

Rutgers Project ECHO Substance Exposed Infants (SEI)-Exploring Current Practices and Areas for Improvement, Charlotte Nussbaum, Cooper University Healthcare. Read more and register here.

Center for Continuing and Outreach Education Virtual Symposium

Center for Continuing and Outreach Education Virtual Symposium-Global Neurosurgery, Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls. This is a neurosurgical colloquium intended to educate, innovate, and foster a deeper understanding in Global Neurosurgery. A galaxy of international superstars will be joining us to address the various aspects of neurosurgery. Learn More and Register!

Pediatric Grand Rounds

Pediatric Grand Rounds- Advance Pediatric Health Equity: Address the Impact of Racism, Jennifer R. Walton. Join via Webex.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Special Grand Rounds

Obstetrics and Gynecology Special Grand Rounds- Patient Choice Cesarean: A Challenge to Modern Perinatal Medicine, Francis A. Chervenak, Lenox Hill Hospital. For Webex information please contact McKayla Brady at

CHINJ Second Annual Scientific Retreat (Virtual)

CHINJ Second Annual Scientific Retreat-Keynote Talk by Dritan Agalliu, Columbia University followed by a series of talks by CHINJ faculty and trainees, concluding with an interesting panel discussion on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting biomedical research.Join via Zoom.

NIAID SBIR Webinar Series – Business Model Boot Camp

NIAID SBIR Webinar Series - Business Model Boot Camp-Bob Storey will join us to discuss the concepts behind Lean Start-up for Biotechnology and Healthcare-related small businesses. Learn how real-world data can be used to understand your market, plan product development and build out strategy to commercialize your NIAID SBIR-funded technology. Awardees and applicants awardees working […]